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Monday, 9 October 2023

difference between using gloss medium and varnish on acrylic paintings

In acrylic painting, gloss medium and varnish have different uses, they have different properties and uses:

Gloss Medium:

 Half of the gloss medium is used in the painting process itself, often mixed with: Special art is obtained acrylic paint to paint and change the consistency of the color. Properties: It is a liquid acrylic medium that has a milky consistency when wet and is clear and shiny when dry. It can be used to extend the drying time of acrylic paint, increase its clarity and increase the brightness of the paint.


 Use varnish to protect the surface after the paint has dried completely and by adding the same color in gloss, satin or matte.
Features: Varnish is transparent, protective and durable and is available in a variety of finishes (gloss, satin and matte). Most of the time it can be removed and reused as needed. Application: Varnish is used to protect acrylic paintings from dust, dirt, UV rays and moisture. It also combines all the brightness of the image to provide a consistent finish. Artists often choose varnish based on the level of shine they want and the look they want their artwork to have.
In summary, gloss medium is used as part of the painting process to achieve a certain art and control the properties of the paint, while varnish is used as the final protective and beautiful coating for dry paint. They have many purposes and are used at different stages of image creation. When using varnish you must ensure that acrylic paint dries completely, it usually takes a few weeks or longer to prevent moisture from entering the varnish, which causes problems such as clouding or cracking.

Tip For Artist: Art requires patience.

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